Second Encuentro

Second Encuentro

Second Encuentro


By Michael Gould-Wartofsky. Originally from Z Magazine/La Revista Z.

Dispatch from the Second Encuentro for Dignity and Against Displacement in El Barrio

Amid the global financial crisis, the private equity companies that once threatened to swallow up the last of Manhattans affordable housing stock may be on the road to mass extinction. And amid the political crisis in Albany, the politicians who promised rent reform may be on the road to nowhere.


The rebels search each other out. They walk towards one another, breaking down fences, they find each other. The rebels begin to recognize themselves, to know themselves to be equal and different. They continue walking as it is now necessary to walk, that is to say, resisting....--words of the Zapatistas at the First Intercontinental Encuentro for Humanity and Against Neoliberalism

An invitation to: Members and families of organizations fighting against displacement in their communities across NYC

From: Movement for Justice in El Barrio

Second NYC Encuentro for Dignity and Against Displacement